Debug REPL

Since version v2.4.0, the Rule Engine package includes a module which provides a Read Eval Print Loop (REPL) for debugging and testing purposes. This module can be executed using python -m rule_engine.debug_repl. Once started, the REPL loop can be used to evaluate rule expressions and view the results.

CLI Arguments

The module when executed from the command line has the following options available.


Start an interactive Python console that allows the user to setup the environment for the rule evaluation.

--edit-file <path>

Run the specified file containing Python source code, allowing it to setup the environment for the rule evaluation.


When configured through either the --edit-console or --edit-file options, the context symbol may be customized using a user-defined Context instance. Additionally, the object to evaluate can be configured through the thing symbol.

Example Usage

The following example demonstrates using the Debug REPL with a thing (in this case a comic book) defined through the interactive console.

python -m rule_engine.debug_repl --edit-console
edit the 'context' and 'thing' objects as necessary
>>> thing = dict(title='Batman', publisher='DC', issue=1)
>>> exit()
exiting the edit console...
rule > title == 'Superman'
rule > issue < 5
rule >